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Two Chairs

creative writers and visual artists in conversation make 11 new works in a virtual space

2 chairs B&W.jpg

Suddenly the world locks down and writers and artists are left sitting in chairs at computers, talking to themselves and each other. Their conversations have resulted in 11 new works here

Anchor 1

Please click on each of the 11 thumbnail images below

to engage with each of the works

If you are on a phone these are all best viewed in landscape

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Viv Sole


when the time stretches and yawns

single shot for webpage 1.jpg

Annette Pugh & Liz Kershaw


a sensory exploration of absence through words and images


Elsa Braekkan Payne & Nick Holmes


staring at chairs and hearing things

Two Chairs still.jpg

Lance Woodman


on the power of dance

when an artist met a writer pic.jpg

Jane Tudge & Jude Warr-Arnold


when an artist met a writer


Helen Kelly & Graham Chorlton


if you and the person you love looked at your life together, would you see the same thing?


Stephen Jackson & Hallam Wood


maybe your orbital sander is all rusted up

Philip Monks headshot June 20.jpg

Philip Monks


we are the still point and the prime mover

Deb Catesby screenshot.png

Deb Catesby


a mother and daughter dance their way to an understanding

David Spurrier.jpeg
Driftwood chair drawn.jpg

David Spurrier


reaction to two chairs by a pond

Sheila Farrell


a man is looking out to sea

If you have enjoyed the work

please tell us




We are grateful for the kind support

during this time


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