writers and artists let lost voices speak
What would the voices from our pasts say if they had one more chance to speak? Inspired by Denise Riley’s collection of poems Say Something Back, artwrite invited artists and writers to go on a personal quest to seek out their lost voices, to find a story for them and to let them speak.
See and hear what they have to say here
A moment = 90 seconds
creative writers and visual artists make unique moments in words and images
The 7th October 2020 was an arbitrary day, selected at random when writers & artists decided to respond through words and images to their own experiences of that day, where ever they happened to be, and whatever they happened to be doing.
So, we invite you to spend a unique moment in their company here
Creative writers, visual artists and 11 new works
in a virtual space
July 2020
Suddenly the world locks down and writers and artists are left sitting in chairs at computers, talking to themselves and each other. Their conversations have resulted in 11 new works here

We are grateful for the kind support
during this time from

Back to Back
at the Back to Backs
10 creative writers and 10 visual artists make a site specific response to
Birmingham’s historic communal courtyard housing
Due to the COVID-19 situation
this event is postponed until further notice
Site Specific Performances - postponed
Space is limited so please book tickets in advance *
* Bookings not yet open
Site Specific Exhibition - postponed
Works can be seen at the venue during opening hours via National Trust guided tours.
Guided tours can be booked in advance *
National Trust members go free
* Bookings not yet open
Birmingham Back to Backs - National Trust
55-63 Hurst Street/50-54 Inge Street, Birmingham, B5 4TE
The Back to Backs
Now preserved by the National Trust these buildings represent the working history of Birmingham. The 19th-century courtyard of working people's houses provides an atmospheric glimpse into the lives of the ordinary people who helped make Birmingham an extraordinary city. They are Birmingham's last surviving court of back to backs - houses built literally back-to-back around a communal courtyard. The National Trust tour moves from the 1840s through to the 1970s, giving us an insight into the lives of some of the former residents who crammed into these small houses to live and work.
This project is supported by

What's happening?
10 creative writers are each paired with a visual artist
to explore a new creative partnership and
make their own responses to Birmingham’s historic communal courtyard housing through words and art
Each writer will create
a short (5 minute) original piece of drama, prose or poetry to be performed on site over two evenings
Each artist will make
a small piece of visual work to be shown on site
The Writers paired with The Artists
Click on the name links to find out more about the people
Performance Director - Jonathan Legg