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Finding You

A conversation with paint, photography, and portrait.

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artwrite 2.jpeg
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Finding you series 2  portrait 1.jpeg
Finding you series 2  portrait  4.jpeg

Annette Pugh, Finding You, 2021. Mixed media.

Finding you series 2  portrait  3.jpeg
Finding you series 2  portrait  2a.jpeg

© Annette Pugh, 2021

Figures from archives, lost, forgotten and unknown, linger, disappear, dissolve, and resurface throughout the process of painting.


This series of images explores the push and pull of materials against the photographic remnants of lives that we will never truly know. It is the mystery of the image and the occupation/obsession of revealing a painterly truth that intrigues.


In each work, the viscous surface reacts with the ethereal, frozen qualities of a reproduced archive print, allowing for a dialogue across time and materiality.


The processes selected for this project enable the artist to combine media; to layer, unearth, alter, and adapt images. The application, wiping and reworking of the paint surface replicates the intensity required to understand the subjects, each of whom is fleetingly captured by an anonymous photographer.

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